In the midst of the doldrums, our writing lives come to a standstill. We stop writing, reading craft books and magazines, journaling, critiquing, and researching. There is actually a place near the equator named the Doldrums. Because of shifting winds and calm spots in the area, a sailboat caught in the Doldrums could be stranded […]
writing challenges
Writing Through Physical Pain
When my kids were toddlers and in grade school, I was wired shut for eleven weeks after two jaw surgeries. I’d had some health problems over the years, but being wired shut topped them all. I couldn’t talk to my four small children or even call a friend. I was dying to talk, but couldn’t. […]
The Best YES
One of my friends is a writing coach. She spots things in my writing life when I can’t see “the writing forest for the trees.” She recently asked how the writing was going with my new contracted mysteries, the ones with firm deadlines that are longer than anything I’ve ever written before. How many chapters […]
First, You Gotta Write!
As I mentioned in Tuesday’s post, one of my goals for the sabbatical was to regain my love of writing. It had become such a chore, and I wasn’t sure why. I hoped it was because I had contracted for a couple of educational books in topics I wasn’t interested in. Don’t get me wrong. […]
Regaining Your Love of Writing
Before my three-month sabbatical started, I printed out a few articles that struck a chord and that I wanted to take time to ponder. One such article was “When the Thrill is Gone.” Here’s a bit of what it said, and I hope you’ll read the whole article. In recent weeks, I have had conversations […]
Writing on the Road
If you can’t be flexible, don’t be a writer. Deadlines. Emergency phone calls. And you’re on the road again! Sometimes there is just no choice. Family needs you. Deadlines won’t budge. So you do what you have to do. It may not be ideal, but writing in the car can be do-able. Writing in a […]
Writer Imaging (Part 3)
(First read “Writer Imaging” Part 1 and Part 2.) Here are the final attributes of a happy writing life… 4. Staying focused on the positive. View your writing life as a series of opportunities and growth experiences, even though some experiences (like rejection slips) may involve pain. Daily there are good things to focus on […]
Frustration and the Serenity Prayer for Writers
This has been a frustrating week on several levels. When I’m frustrated, it’s usually a sign that I’m trying to control something I can’t control. This can be a person or a situation or an event. The process can churn your mind into mush until you can’t think. On the other hand, making a 180-degree […]
To Survive as a Writer: Finding Margin
Certain Type A personalities seem to thrive on overloaded lives, but most writers don’t. Our best ideas – and energy to write about them – require some peace and quiet, some “down” time. To get that, we must rebuild margin into our lives. Defining Margin What exactly is margin? According to Richard Swenson M.D. author […]
Harnessing the Unconscious
If you already write fluently, for hours at a time, and you can write at will whenever you choose, you don’t need today’s idea. However, if developing and then maintaining a daily writing schedule keeps eluding you, you’re in the right place. This post describes the first type of accountability challenge for April. Back to […]