Work Smarter, Not Harder

Work smarter, not harder has been my mantra for many years. When I find things (book, website, class, software) that help me do that, I like to pass them along to you. With that in mind, here are two websites to products I’ve been using recently that I love. The first one I’ve used for […]

Organized Books and Lives

A couple weeks ago I encouraged you to get ready for NaNoWriMo–the writing group that produces a book in November. I hope you have an idea for it now. I also encouraged you to spend October getting organized so that you have the best chance of succeeding. To me, success includes having a really good rough […]

Gradual Exposure

  For many reasons, we set writing goals–and then promptly get stuck. The reasons vary: The goal is overwhelming, and we don’t know where to start. We don’t have an hour or two each day to devote to reaching our goal. We don’t really believe you can reach goals “a little bit at a time.” […]


My good writing friend, Sherryl, and I were Skyping about a seriously time-consuming writing project we’d like to take on together. Since we both spend our lives constantly trying to squeeze out five more spare minutes, we realized that something in our schedules would have to give. “Where’s the dead wood in your life?” we asked […]

Ultimate Easy To-Do List

Although I am thrilled with the time management system I blogged about on Monday, there are simpler methods out there. A writer friend sent me the link to a free online system called LazyMeter. It’s easy to learn the LazyMeter system, it’s fun, and it has a great feature that lets you put a task on […]

Tug of War in Finding Balance

In the Margin book, Richard Swenson, M.D. talked about the tug-of-war in our everyday lives and the challenge of finding balance. The Balancing Act I don’t know about you, but I feel a constant tug-of-war between choices. Should I work now, or relax a bit? Should I take action, or should I think about it more? […]

Uncommon Perseverance

The last two weeks we’ve talked about the stages of success. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the one quality that is a “must have”: perseverance. According to the dictionary, “perseverance” is steady persistence in a course of action, especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. This year I worked with a young […]