Spiral UP? Or spiral DOWN? Your choice!

For over a year, I’ve been dealing with three difficult circumstances that impacted everything, causing one downward spiral after another. Since I tend to handle things privately, I disappeared from social media.  But this fall, I felt the urge to get back to thriving instead of simply surviving. Easy to say, but hard to do! […]

Living the 5-Minute Life

I’m too old, I’m too tired, I can’t write for hours anymore… But something won’t let me quit writing! Is there a solution? Through a lot of trial and error, I found the solution for me: the 5-Minute Life. It didn’t just revolutionize my writing. You can also break a bad habit, or start a […]

Want a 40% Increase in Your Writing Energy NOW?

Lately, I’ve been short on energy, even when I had enough time to write. Like most “modern” writers, I take short (unproductive, but frequent) breaks to check email or social media posts. In a word, I multitask. Multitasking: the Energy Drain Yes, I’d heard that multitasking was bad, but I figured I must be the […]

Writing Life: the Reality

“Life is difficult,” wrote M. Scott Peck in his famous book The Road Less Traveled. “This … is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it… Once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters.” I’d like to amend Peck’s quote to say that “the writing […]

100% Is a Cinch!

“There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.” (Ken Blanchard, author of the best seller The One Minute Manager)  Without a 100% commitment to anything, you spend so much time (and […]

Talent, Passion, and Discipline

As a writer, don’t ever under-estimate the power of self-discipline. Talent, passion, and discipline are needed–but the greatest of these is discipline. Best-selling author Elizabeth George speaks to this point on the first day she faces her students in her creative writing classes. Study this quote from her book, Write Away–and read through to the zinger […]

Writing Strategy: Acting AS IF

(First re-read the last post: New Twist on the Thought-Feeling-Behavior Writing Cycle.) After three very busy weeks (two new grandbabies, lots of travel, a conference, two work-for-hire deadlines), I was finally able to sit down for a lengthy time yesterday and write on my novel. Or so I thought. I sat down all right, but once […]

Chop! Chop! Writing in 20-Minute Slices

Thirty years ago I read an article that said writing was like eating a salami. You’d choke if you tried to swallow the whole thing at once. Slice by slice, though, it was easy. Life has been hectic lately, with few large chunks of time to work. So I went back to creating 20-minute tasks […]