Saying YES to the Writer Inside You

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Maya Angelou said, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

I don’t know about that. I’ve had some bigger agonies in my life than that.

HOWEVER, after several years of burying an untold story inside me, I’ve decided to take some concentrated time to get the story on paper.

Halting Progress

I started this novel five years ago. I have started and stopped this novel so many times I’ve lost count. I still love it, but it’s one of those novels that isn’t commercial (no Amish vampires), isn’t a series, and isn’t edgy. But I love it. It stays with me every time I pause to write a series for someone, or teach a workshop, or critique a novel, or write a work-for-hire book for an educational publisher.

My novel is languishing half finished, and I’ve decided to take the time to finish it now. Three months of study and writing time is going to be my gift…to ME!


What will that mean? Several things. For three months (until August 1): 

  • I won’t be writing new blog posts. If you’re looking for help, there are hundreds of blog posts available here on all kinds of topics. (See the list down the right-hand side.)
  • I won’t be doing novel critiques for three months.
  • I won’t be available for guest blog posts, online interviews, or teaching a workshop.
I’ve been writing lately about retreats, but I decided I needed more. It’s like a sabbatical, time away from activities that can burn you out, then taking that time and energy and pouring into your work. I’m excited about the coming months! See you back here August 1!

16 thoughts on “Saying YES to the Writer Inside You

  1. kwpadmin

    Wow, everyone! [See below.]

    Thanks for all the supportive comments! I have never, in 33 years of writing, taken time like this to write (without also raising babies and/or teaching and/or writing WFH stuff). Like most writers, it’s always something I have yearned to do.

    Boy, if not now, when? 🙂

  2. Heather Voight

    Congrats, Kristi! I’ll miss your posts, but I completely support the idea of making time for a special project. Writers really need to say “no” more often. I really need to work on that.

  3. Paula

    Wow, Kristi, congratulations on the sabbatical! May the next three months be a blessing to you in every way. And I’ll be eager to read your new novel, which I’m confident you’ll complete.

  4. Good for you, Kristi! I love that quote. I have so many things burning inside me … this is why some of them come out as short stories. And it is such a relief when they find their way into other people’s lives.

  5. Yay for you, Kristi! I will miss your posts, but I’ll rely on your books and your archives to keep me going for the next few months. I wish you every success in recharging your creative batteries and reaching your goals during your sabbatical. I’ll be looking forward to hearing how it all worked out in July. All the best!

  6. Hi Kristi,
    So great that you are taking such a long break from the usual grind to recharge your creative energies. Best wishes for an amazingly productive, restful, creative and inspiring time.

  7. Good for you, Kristi! You deserve it!

  8. I have not had the time to comment on your wonderful posts, but I have been a loyal follower for a long time. Brava for you! I am so happy to know that you will be telling that story that you need to tell and that you are giving yourself the time and space to do so. We keep being told that the writing (not social media, blogging, etc.) is the main thing, and so it is. All the best to you, Kristi!

  9. McCourt


    I will miss your posts! Mostly because I always feel like your reading my mind – whether it be talking about procrastination, retreats, saying no, accountability, etc. I am so happy for you taking the time to work on your novel. The novels of our heart are the ones that most need to be written.

    I have a one month break between graduate school classes and already I feel lighter. I am sure you will feel the same way. Enjoy the time off to recharge, relax, and write.

    I’ll be checking back in August! 🙂

    • kwpadmin

      McCourt, how good to hear from you! I imagine a breather between grad school classes is very welcome! I’m glad the posts resonate with you. We are sure in the same boat most of the time! 🙂

  10. Kate Wilson

    Kristi, good for you! You so deserve to give yourself this, and I know your novel will take off and fly. Have fun, write lots, and we’ll see you in August.

  11. Bonnie

    I haven’t had a chance to reply because of one of those deadlines you mentioned that you have had in the past. But I don’t want to miss telling you good luck and happy writing. I will miss your posts a lot, but I will also remember your example of taking time to do something you really want to do.

    • kwpadmin

      Thanks, Bonnie. It’s both exciting and scary, like the pressure is on to perform now! 🙂

  12. kwpadmin

    Thanks, Deanna! Would be fun to go back to Honesdale for three months in the cabins and do this, huh? 😎

  13. Way to go Kristi! Is the story the one our group critiqued for a while? I still remember the Victorian house and your protagonists arrival there…plus many other scenes. Also the butterfly analogy. Enjoy your ‘sabbatical’, although you may be working harder than ever! Maritha

    • kwpadmin

      No, it’s a different one, but I may resurrect that one too, Maritha, if there is time! 😎

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