Not Enough Willpower to Reach Your Goals? Make Mini Habits!

“Focus on the process and you’ll be able to change your circumstances.” (Stephen Guise, author of Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results)

[While writing in England, I am re-posting favorite articles from the past. This one from four years ago still helps me today!]

One lesson I learned on my sabbatical was that my goals and desires outstripped my willpower.

I had high hopes and high expectations for the three months of the media “fast,” but I rarely was able to stick to my very carefully crafted daily schedule. It wasn’t the interruptions or distractions either. I simply felt overwhelmed by the goals I had set, even though I KNEW I had plenty of time to do them.

Goal Intimidation

I hadn’t scheduled 12-hour writing days or anything. In fact, on paper, they looked quite easy for the days I was home alone all day:

  • 2 hours writing  
  • 2 hours studying writing techniques (books, online classes, etc.)
  • 1 hour reading and research

Piece of cake, right? Especially since this was work I really, really wanted to do!

Willpower Burnout

I’ve survived and pushed through and gritted my teeth and met deadlines and ignored headaches for decades…using willpower. But as I faced writing several mysteries for adults that I signed contracts for, my willpower took a hike. I have no idea where it went, but it’s gone into hiding. When the willpower left, the panic arrived.

And then I read the book pictured above. I have read a lot of books on focus, self-management, and the like. Most I don’t finish, to be honest. Many I never get past the first few chapters. I had finally decided that there was nothing new under the sun.

But reviews for Mini Habits were wonderful and by people struggling with the same issues I was. I bought it and started it, not with any real hope, to be honest. But I couldn’t put it down and finished it in a day.

Mini Habits

The author’s scientifically researched, experience based, easy-to-read and understand book says this:  

You can succeed without the guilt, intimidation, and repeated failure associated with such strategies as “getting motivated,” New Year’s Resolutions, or even “just doing it.” In fact, you need to stop using those strategies if they aren’t giving you great results…It’s only when you start playing by your brain’s rules and taking your human limitations seriously–as mini habits show you how to do–that you can achieve lasting change.

From Hopeless to Hopeful

I couldn’t wait to try it. I was honestly amazed that something this simple could be so effective and stress-free!

And what are my new (silly sounding) daily mini writing goals?

  • Write or revise 50 words  
  • Read and do one page of my current craft or study book 
  • 15 minutes of research or professional reading

Has it worked? YES! For me, feeling overwhelmed and getting started has always been the hardest part. Having mini goals in order to create habits is so EASY. And just as he predicted, most of the time you’ll go over your mini habit goal. [For example, I am writing this blog using my “write 50 words today” goal. Until now, I forgot to check the word count, but it’s up to 406 right here.]

However, the next time I sit down to write, I will NOT “adjust my goals up” and tell myself I must write 400 words minimum. No…my internal resistance to writing that much is almost immediate! A goal that size uses a lot more willpower. (Maybe not for you, but it does for me. We’re all different.)

My new writing goals for the day are so EASY to do, so non-threatening, that I don’t miss a day. The writing habit gets ingrained, my mind now believes that getting started is easy, and later in the day I often WANT to sit down and knock off another 50 words (which, more often than not, stretches past 1,000 words before I want to stop.)

If getting started or developing a daily writing habit with ease is your goal, I high recommend Mini Habits. Give it a try!

13 thoughts on “Not Enough Willpower to Reach Your Goals? Make Mini Habits!

  1. Stephanie Ascough

    So helpful, I love your reminders and examples. I love mini goals. Getting time alone to work on mine today! (Hooray)

    • kwpadmin

      Time alone!! How precious that is. 🙂
      This book and his ideas has had more impact on me than anything in quite a long time. I’m excited about the changes I am seeing and how EASY it has been!

  2. I love mini-goals too! Thanks for the timely reminder as we all get into a more the new school routine (and productive writing groove).

    • kwpadmin

      Vijaya, it is the easiest thing I have ever tried for getting my writing habit re-established. In fact, if your mini goal or mini habit is small enough, you can do it every single day without fail. Then you don’t “get out of the habit” so you have to get back into it.

  3. 🙂 Excellent! This would work for all kinds of chores. Thank you!

    • kwpadmin

      Yes, I use it for everything…cleaning, exercise, writing, yard work… So simple, yet so effective!

  4. I’ve been looking for a strategy to help keep my creative writing going once I go back to teaching in a couple of weeks. I’ve had a really productive summer between creative writing and freelance gigs, and I don’t want to lose the momentum. Mini habits are exactly what I need. Thanks for passing these tips along.

    • kwpadmin

      Heather, you’re so welcome. They’re great for getting into the habit and for keeping the writing habit going!

  5. I love mini goals. I will have to check this book out. Thanks for the recommendation!

    • kwpadmin

      Hi, Donna! Besides getting into the habits, I love how it de-stresses me. The challenge is small, and the automatic feeling is “I can do this–no sweat!” And I consistently, so far, have gone over my mini goals. Tonight may be the exception to the rule, as I’m pooped!

  6. kwpadmin

    Rads, I hope you do try it. You will be amazed! I wish I had read this book thirty years ago. Getting started has always been the hardest part for me, plus the feeling of “I SHOULD do more.” But mini goals takes care of both things. Good luck! Developing the HABIT of writing will pay off in ways you can’t imagine.

  7. Bless you, Heather! I’m in the same “super stuck” place right now for a variety of time/health/misc. incidents pressures. I’m going to check out that link and remind myself what I used to know! Thank you!!

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