This quote is from one of my favorite authors, Henry Cloud, co-author of the Boundaries books.
The last few months have been challenging, and I’m behind where I wanted to be on a deadline. So this quote is appropriate today.
I won’t obsess about the deadline. I will show up at my desk early every day to plant, water, weed, and nurture this plot.
Fruit will grow!
Good luck with all, Kristi! I love the quote and needed it today as well.
Thank you, Karin! Good luck to you too. How can it be nearly February and I have so little DONE? 🙂
Wishing you all the best, Kristi! You’re a pro and I know you’ll meet your deadline with good work and not let anyone down.
Bless you for that, Heather! I keep plugging away. 🙂 There’s a lot of power in just showing up for work every morning, as you know!