Some writing habits can serve you all the days of your life. But other writing habits need to be moderated or tossed out when your season of life changes.
I’m in a season like that right now, and one thing that works for me during such changing times is to read about famous authors’ writing habits. It gives me ideas of what might work better in my fluctuating circumstances.
Time To Change?
Sometimes the need to revise our writing habits is obvious. Your times and places to write before you have your first child may never match your writing times and places after the babies start to arrive. The same is true for writing when you have a full-time job compared to when you’re retired. (And that changes again when your elderly father moves in with you.) Or when you’re healthy compared to when you’re healing from an accident or illness. So many events can leave you feel overloaded and in need of changing your habits.
Life is always changing, and sometimes drastically. But even with the common, garden-variety type of life changes, old writing habits can become obsolete. Other more workable habits need to replace them if your career is to continue.
Writers Reveal Their Writing Habits
Is your life is in a state of flux at the moment? If your previous schedule and habits no longer work for you, consider a change. Check with successful published writers. See what works for them. Then feel free to copy anything you like and try their habits on for size. We can all learn from each other.
Some great places to start looking include: