Around half a million writers are expected to register for National Novel Writing Month in November.
What is this challenge, more often known as NaNoWriMo? It’s a wild and fun (free) writers’ support group online where you sign up to write through the 30 days of November to reach 50,000 words.
They’ve made a number of changes to their website, so even if you’ve participated in years past, you might want to check it out.
Pep Talks to Challenge You
One of my favorite things during NaNoWriMo is having a pep talk delivered to my inbox regularly. To see what I’m talking about, check out their archives of the last six years of pep talks! Instant support at the moment you need it.
There is also a NaNoWriMo blog to help you prepare for a successful 2013 NaNoWriMo experience.
NaNo Prep: Getting Ready
Right now, while you have plenty of time before November 1, do yourself a favor and read Story First, Writing Second – Especially Come November. It’s a fairly long article, but one of the best I’ve read in a long time. Following this advice will help you end up with a strong novel on December 1 that you can actually revise. If you’re going to do NaNoWriMo, read this article first! And soon!
You may also want to do NaNoWriMo with your child or students! See the Young Writers’ Program workbooks. Download free PDFs (that you can write in and save.) Or you can buy a physical book. These are great planning guides for any young writer. (There are three workbook levels: elementary, middle school, and high school). As the page says:
We created these workbooks to spark your imagination and guide you in your noveling journey. The activities inside will help you create characters, build settings, and hatch plots, plus keep you motivated throughout the month. And, all PDFs are customizable so you can type and save your ideas!
A Personal NaNoWriMo Challenge
Several writers in my October accountability challenge have expressed interest in having a NaNoWriMo accountability challenge email group for the month of November. We may adjust the rules a bit, as children’s books are generally shorter than 50,000 words.
This is something you could do independently of the official NaNoWriMo challenge, or in conjunction with it for a personal “check-in” accountability feature. Leave me a comment if something like that would interest you, or email me at and let me know. I’ll decide based upon how much interest is shown.
Either way, accountability groups and challenges can be a lot of fun while they help you meet your writing goals!
I am interested in your Personal NaNoWriMo Challenge. I’ve been getting a lot from doing your October Challenges so continuing on through November with a challenge, will be great!
Thanks for posting the info and links for the other useful info about writing and NaNoWriMo =)
Thanks, Liz! I hope there is enough response to do this. I have a lot of writing to do in November, and this would be a great push for me too!
I would love to do this! I believe I have a potential children’s novel in the 8-12 year age range. The only starting difficulty is an out of town family wedding for which we’re traveling from October 31st-Nov 4th, although I can get some writing done in the car. I don’t want to lose the accountability once October is over!
I know what you mean. I have company coming for a week in November too. But I hope to write extra before they come and after they leave. Accountability works for me!
Kristi, I didn’t know they had Nano for kids. I just downloaded the free pdfs. Good stuff. Thank you.
Aren’t those free workbooks great? Excellent resource there!
I would like to participate for the challenge, I could use some accountablility with my writing. Maria.
Great, Maria! I’ll be confirming when and how in another week or so for the sign-up. Looks like we’ll have plenty for a challenge in November!
I’d love to be part of your NaNoWriMo challenge. Count me in! My granddaughter will be doing the Nano for kids right along with me. Bring on November –
What a neat idea! I may talk to my granddaughter about this too. She’s already quite a writer!
I would love to participate in the NaNo challenge! I’m in the October challenge now, and it’s been an IMMENSE help.
Sarah, I’m so glad the October challenges have been a help. On Friday, Oct. 18, the blog will tell you how to sign up for the NaNo challenge. Good to have you again!
I am interested in your Nano writing challenge. I am actually more interested in your early morning group, as well.
Michelle, I’m afraid the early morning group will end Oct. 25. We may do another one in the future. See the Oct. 18 blog post for directions on how to sign up for the NaNo challenge. Glad to have you!
I was part of your April challenge and loved it. I’ve also longed to participate in NaNoWriMo, but I have a day job and don’t think I could actually write 50,000 words in one month without using up all my vacation time! I would be very interested in a modified version of the challenge!
Very good, Lori! Just sign up per instructions in the Oct. 18 blog post, and I’ll add you to the list!
I am interested in the November Challenge.
Nan, read the Oct. 20 blog post for directions for signing up. Hope you will join us! 🙂