Just Keep Showing Up

This quote is from one of my favorite authors, Henry Cloud, co-author of the Boundaries books. The last few months have been challenging, and I’m behind where I wanted to be on a deadline. So this quote is appropriate today. I won’t obsess about the deadline. I will show up at my desk early every […]

The Power of Intermittent Recovery

HAPPY NEW YEAR! From the book The Power of Full Engagement: To be an effective energy manager, you need to spend nearly all of your time fully engaged in the high positive energy quadrant or recovering your energy by spending time doing things in the low positive energy quadrant. Definition of Terms The low positive […]

Striving for Contentment

Would you call yourself a contented writer? Are you happy with your current situation and writing progress? Or are you a dissatisfied writer, striving to better yourself and always pushing hard toward your goals? It’s something we are faced with all the time, but especially at goal-setting time. Embrace Opposite Traits To be honest, if you want […]