Keeping with our Mother’s Day theme of combining writing with raising children (Hats Off to Mom Writers, Combine Babies and Bylines, Combining Writing and School-Age Kids), let’s talk about writing during the teen years–and the skills it will entail. The main challenge at this time is keeping (and constantly regaining) your sanity! Even normally active teens can […]
Month: April 2015
Combining Writing and School-Age Kids
Yesterday we talked about how to Combine Babies and Bylines. There are challenges galore when writing with newborns and babies in the house. At that stage, we usually daydream of that magical day when the kids will be in school and we’ll have all those uninterrupted hours to write. Yes, it is easier to write […]
Combine Babies and Bylines
I started writing when I had an infant, a two-year-old, and a preschooler. I wrote throughout their school years, their teen years, their college/adult years, and now full circle when I am babysitting grandkids. The (survival) skills you need to both write and parent change with each stage of your children’s lives. (Sometimes your […]
Hats Off to Mom Writers!
Mom writers are a special breed, and my hat goes off to you. I started writing when my children were babies and toddlers, but I haven’t been in that life stage for a long time. I often keep my grandkids (ages 12, 9, 4, and 1) though. It quickly brings back the challenges of combining […]
Do Facts Equal Truth?
About ten years ago, someone said to me, “You write fiction because you can’t handle the real world.” I was stunned by the accusation. For one thing, my fictional characters were very real to me! And I tackled real situations in my books–often based on actual events. From my childhood on, I’d learned a lot of […]