Boundaries Are My Friends!

I returned last night from an exhausting and EXHILARATING writer’s conference in Dallas. One session I attended was called “Live Free. Write Free.” I came away from that session knowing what I had to do. Respecting Property Lines You can read books about setting boundaries. You can preach boundary setting to others. (I do that […]

Weakened Mind Anxiety: the Cure (Part 3)

First we talked about the anxiety stirred up when it’s time to start a writing project. Then we talked about four causes of this “weakened mind anxiety,” a term coined by Eric Maisel in Fearless Creating. The next obvious question is: what do we do about it? As it turns out, we do many things […]

Weakened Mind Anxiety (Part 2)

Last week we talked about “weakened mind anxiety” and what that feels like. Symptoms that rear their ugly heads just before you try to write include fatigue, foggy brain, depression and an urge to cry/sleep/watch TV/surf the ‘Net. (from Fearless Creating by Eric Maisel) What’s the Problem? Before we talk about solutions, I think it […]

Weakened Mind Anxiety (Part 1)

For the past week, I’ve been suffering from “weakened mind anxiety,” according to Eric Miasel’s Fearless Creating. It’s the anxiety that comes when you begin a piece of work. It’s not the anxiety that comes from choosing an idea. It’s not anxiety from developing characters and plot. It’s not anxiety produced by setting some deadlines. […]